Physical Therapist Salary in Colorado (CO)

* Last Updated on August 3, 2021

The physical therapy salary in Colorado is $78,080 per year, which is lower than the average salary in the United States.

The table below shows the average salary of physical therapists in Colorado, metro or non-metro areas and in the United States, including hourly/weekly wage and monthly/annual salary.

Colorado$37.54$1,502 $6,507 $78,080
USA$41.59$1,663 $7,210 $86,520

Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Area, Colorado

Boulder CO$34.60$1,384 $5,998 $71,970
Colorado Springs CO$36.19$1,448 $6,273 $75,280
Denver-Aurora-Broomfield CO$37.71$1,508 $6,537 $78,440
Fort Collins-Loveland CO$35.52$1,421 $6,158 $73,890
Grand Junction CO$36.93$1,477 $6,402 $76,820
Greeley CO$34.93$1,397 $6,055 $72,660
Pueblo CO$47.38$1,895 $8,212 $98,540
East and South Colorado nonmetropolitan area$44.39$1,776 $7,695 $92,340
West Colorado nonmetropolitan area$38.29$1,532 $6,638 $79,650
Northcentral Colorado nonmetropolitan area$36.38$1,455 $6,306 $75,670
Central Colorado nonmetropolitan area$40.56$1,622 $7,030 $84,360