Physical Therapist Salary in Minnesota (MN)

* Last Updated on August 3, 2021

The physical therapy salary in Minnesota is $79,720 per year, which is lower than the average salary in the United States.

The table below shows the average salary of physical therapists in Minnesota, metro or non-metro areas and in the United States, including hourly/weekly wage and monthly/annual salary.

Minnesota$38.33$1,533 $6,643 $79,720
USA$41.59$1,663 $7,210 $86,520

Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Area, Minnesota

Duluth MN-WI$36.26$1,450 $6,285 $75,420
Fargo ND-MN$33.81$1,353 $5,861 $70,330
Grand Forks ND-MN$28.91$1,157 $5,012 $60,140
La Crosse WI-MN$40.78$1,631 $7,068 $84,820
Mankato-North Mankato MN$39.58$1,583 $6,860 $82,320
Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington MN-WI$38.58$1,543 $6,688 $80,250
Rochester MN$40.10$1,604 $6,950 $83,400
St. Cloud MN$38.19$1,528 $6,619 $79,430
Northwest Minnesota nonmetropolitan area$36.42$1,457 $6,313 $75,750
Northeast Minnesota nonmetropolitan area$36.91$1,477 $6,398 $76,780
Southwest Minnesota nonmetropolitan area$36.49$1,460 $6,325 $75,900
Southeast Minnesota nonmetropolitan area$38.55$1,542 $6,683 $80,190