Physical Therapist Salary in Ohio (OH)

* Last Updated on August 3, 2021

The physical therapy salary in Ohio is $85,870 per year, which is lower than the average salary in the United States.

The table below shows the average salary of physical therapists in Ohio, metro or non-metro areas and in the United States, including hourly/weekly wage and monthly/annual salary.

Ohio$41.28$1,651 $7,156 $85,870
USA$41.59$1,663 $7,210 $86,520

Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Area, Ohio

Akron OH$40.64$1,626 $7,045 $84,540
Canton-Massillon OH$42.11$1,684 $7,299 $87,590
Cleveland-Elyria-Mentor OH$43.67$1,747 $7,569 $90,830
Columbus OH$39.08$1,563 $6,773 $81,280
Dayton OH$41.28$1,651 $7,156 $85,870
Lima OH$39.88$1,595 $6,913 $82,960
Mansfield OH$43.85$1,754 $7,600 $91,200
Parkersburg-Marietta-Vienna WV-OH$43.39$1,736 $7,522 $90,260
Springfield OH$38.55$1,542 $6,683 $80,190
Steubenville-Weirton OH-WV$42.66$1,707 $7,395 $88,740
Toledo OH$44.34$1,773 $7,685 $92,220
Wheeling WV-OH$40.26$1,611 $6,979 $83,750
Youngstown-Warren-Boardman OH-PA$36.39$1,456 $6,308 $75,690
West Northwestern Ohio nonmetropolitan area$42.38$1,695 $7,347 $88,160
Other Ohio nonmetropolitan area$39.37$1,575 $6,823 $81,880
Eastern Ohio nonmetropolitan area$41.50$1,660 $7,193 $86,310
Southern Ohio nonmetropolitan area$41.35$1,654 $7,168 $86,010