Physical Therapist Salary in South Dakota (SD)

* Last Updated on August 3, 2021

The physical therapy salary in South Dakota is $75,330 per year, which is lower than the average salary in the United States.

The table below shows the average salary of physical therapists in South Dakota, metro or non-metro areas and in the United States, including hourly/weekly wage and monthly/annual salary.

South Dakota$36.22$1,449 $6,278 $75,330
USA$41.59$1,663 $7,210 $86,520

Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Area, South Dakota

Rapid City SD$40.14$1,606 $6,958 $83,490
Sioux Falls SD$35.55$1,422 $6,162 $73,940
Eastern South Dakota nonmetropolitan area$34.98$1,399 $6,063 $72,750
Western South Dakota nonmetropolitan area$37.05$1,482 $6,423 $77,070