Physical Therapist Salary in Tennessee (TN)

* Last Updated on August 3, 2021

The physical therapy salary in Tennessee is $83,580 per year, which is lower than the average salary in the United States.

The table below shows the average salary of physical therapists in Tennessee, metro or non-metro areas and in the United States, including hourly/weekly wage and monthly/annual salary.

Tennessee$40.18$1,607 $6,965 $83,580
USA$41.59$1,663 $7,210 $86,520

Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Area, Tennessee

Cleveland TN$43.28$1,731 $7,503 $90,030
Jackson TN$38.68$1,547 $6,705 $80,460
Johnson City TN$43.00$1,720 $7,454 $89,450
Kingsport-Bristol-Bristol TN-VA$41.38$1,655 $7,173 $86,080
Knoxville TN$37.49$1,499 $6,498 $77,970
Morristown TN$39.62$1,585 $6,868 $82,410
Nashville-Davidson--Murfreesboro--Franklin TN$37.50$1,500 $6,501 $78,010
Western Tennessee nonmetropolitan area$46.79$1,872 $8,110 $97,320
South Central Tennessee nonmetropolitan area$44.61$1,784 $7,733 $92,790
North Central Tennessee nonmetropolitan area$44.15$1,766 $7,653 $91,840
Eastern Tennessee nonmetropolitan area$40.23$1,609 $6,973 $83,670